Hi! My name is Janelle Rudolph, a fiery redhead with a passion for politics, and I am the sole writer of this blog. I grew up on a farm near the small town of Rosthern, Saskatchewan. For many years, the only entertainment was one tv channel (CTV Saskatoon), lots of outdoor space, books, and my younger sister to annoy.
Since I was about 10 years old, I have had an interest in politics. I didn’t fully understand what ‘politics’ was at the time or what it was that politicians did, but I found it fascinating to watch political discussions and journalists interviewing politicians on programs such as CTV News’ W5 or Question Period (with only one TV channel you learn to like what’s available). As I got older and realized what politicians did, that they fought for their beliefs and represented their citizens, it became something to follow and learn more about; particularly for provincial and federal politics. 10 years later, my passion for politics has grown and evolved into an interest to be involved with discussions and content.
I want to be a voice for my generation and make our issues of concern known to those older than us; those who often deem us as ‘too young to understand’ or who say we ‘aren’t being realistic’ with our goals. I want to help other people my age and younger learn about politics and ways to stand up for their beliefs.
Now, I am a student at Thompson Rivers University, enrolled in the Bachelor of Journalism program, driven by my interest in politics, current events, and writing. My goal is to one day write for a political magazine or on the communications team of one of our federal politicians. I believe a political blog that focuses on the concerns and beliefs of my generation is a good place to start on that goal, and I hope you stick around to learn and feel heard.